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Employee Spotlight: Chris Casanova

First Nation Group is proud to introduce our October Employee Spotlight featuring Chris Casanova!

First Nation Group is proud to introduce October’s Employee Spotlight, Chris Casanova! Chris plays a key role on the First Nation Group distribution team as a Warehouse Technician in our Fort Myers Distribution Center. On a day off, you will most likely find Chris cooking BBQ in his backyard, playing video games, or spending time with his family. Chris brings his motivation, enthusiasm, and kindness to work every day and his co-workers truly appreciate it. We are honored to feature Chris this month. Be sure to read his full interview and get a sneak peek into the life of Chris Casanova through this month’s Employee Spotlight!

Is there somewhere you’ve traveled that you’ll never forget?

Definitely the Dominican Republic. Mainly because of how beautiful the scenery was and the resort where I stayed was amazing!

If ice cream is served, you’d likely pick:

Vanilla or Butter Pecan

Do you have a charity that is near and dear to your heart? Who and why?

The AbleGamers Charity is a charity that custom designs gaming setups for people with disabilities so that they are able to play like everyone else. I chose this charity because I think video games, within reason, are a healthy thing that can help an enormous amount.

What do you love most about cooking and BBQ and how did it start?

I first started when I was in high school. I dual enrolled in a culinary program and that’s where I started to BBQ. It has pretty much become like therapy for me. You sweat, and you’re outside, just cooking meat with nature. I cook everything that I can on the grill, but my favorite thing to cook would be a nice piece of organic grass-fed ribeye. I leave it out so it gets to room temperature, then rub it down with oil and salt before throwing on the grill until it is cooked to perfection.  

What is a great memory you have while working at First Nation Group?

The 2018 National Veterans Wheelchair Games in Orlando, FL, is one of my favorite memories. It is an event that you must experience at least once in life. It is a different perspective on how we see life every day and it is quite extraordinary how every event is set up.

What do you love most about First Nation Group?

The environment and the atmosphere has always been welcoming from the minute I was hired and that hasn’t changed.

What are three words you would use to describe First Nation Group?

Caring, opportunistic, and inspiring.

Thank you for being such an exceptional member of the First Nation Group family, Chris!