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Employee Spotlight: Jasmine Montes

First Nation Group is proud to introduce March’s Employee Spotlight, Jasmine Montes! Jasmine is a key member of the First Nation Group team as a Customer Service Representative.

Outside of work, Jasmine enjoys museums, traveling to new cities, and volunteering at local charities. As the first person in her family to attend and graduate college, Jasmine is as bright and hardworking as she is passionate about helping others in need!

Learn more about Jasmine below:

What are a few words/phrases your friends or family might use to describe you?
Quirky, funny, and lovable!

What are some of your hobbies?
Some of my hobbies include thrift shopping, playing video games, and eating!!

What is your most memorable vacation or trip to date?
A few years ago, my boyfriend Sean and I vacationed in Minneapolis. The reason it was the most memorable was because it was my first-time seeing snow! I’ve lived in Florida all my life, so experiencing a snowy city was exciting!

Jasmine Montes Snow Pic
I've lived in Florida all my life, so experiencing a snowy city was exciting!

Do you have a charity that is near and dear to your heart? Who and why?
When I was in college, I chose to volunteer at The McGregor Clinic in Ft. Myers. They are a nonprofit that aims to provide all that is necessary for patients dealing with HIV. As stated on their website, “Medical staff, laboratory services, case management services as well as a food pantry and clothes closet are all under one roof so you can see your doctor, get your prescriptions, meet with your case manager and leave with food and clothing for yourself and family, all during the same visit.”

What do you love most about First Nation Group?
Everyone’s generosity and willingness to help Veterans.

What is a stand-out memory from working at First Nation Group?
Definitely First Nation Group’s 2022 Day of Service, in partnership with Samaritans Purse. Hurricane Ian devastated Ft. Myers, FL, and surrounding areas – being able to help the victims in a hands-on way was truly a memorable experience.

What are three words you would use to describe First Nation Group?
Generous, thoughtful, and #TOGETHERSTRONG!

“Jasmine has been a great addition to our customer service team. Her bubbly personality and constant thirst for knowledge makes her a pleasure to work with. We are very happy to have her on our team!”

– Alyssa Santana, Customer Service Assistant Manager

Jasmine, we truly appreciate everything you do as an exceptional member of the First Nation Group family!