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Employee Spotlight: Rob Platt

First Nation Group is proud to introduce December’s Employee Spotlight and new Chief Financial Officer (CFO). If Rob isn’t fishing, playing golf or spending time with his family, he’s focused on going the extra mile to ensure First Nation Group is providing exceptional care to our Veterans and customers, all while putting a smile on everyone’s face.

What do you love most about First Nation Group?
In my short time, I’ve been so impressed by the team we have and their commitment to the company, our country, and respective communities. It’s so engrained in the culture here, it’s hard NOT to be swept up in it. Another great aspect is knowing how our day-to-day work supports the physical and mental health of our customers and the patients they serve. We go to work every day knowing the work we do MATTERS to so many. There are a lot of people that grind through their workday without that assurance. We are so blessed to have it!

What is a stand-out memory from working at First Nation Group?
Our service project this past Veterans Day, First Nation Group’s Day of Service, was a great experience. The Niceville office and some of our family members spent a day rehabilitating the outside of Twin Cities Pavilion, a local assisted living facility. Even with the periodic rain showers, the team had a great day of service and fellowship. I drive past this facility every day coming to the office and love seeing the work the First Nation Group family put in!

What advice would you give to a new First Nation Group employee?
Get involved with our philanthropic efforts! It’s so rewarding and really separates First Nation Group from other employers. You are joining a great team. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We lift each other up here!

Do you have a charity that is near and dear to your heart? Who and why?
April and I have enjoyed supporting the Angel Tree mission through our local church. We would select “Angels” for kids about the same age as our children so they could help us shop and wrap the donations for these kids. This helped our kids learn at a young age to be thankful for how blessed we are/were and also the importance of giving back to those in need.

What are three words you would use to describe First Nation Group?
Service. Supportive. Committed. 

Thank you for being such an exceptional member of the First Nation Group family, Rob!