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First Nation Group’s Wellness Program observes National Safety Month

Now, more than ever, safety is crucial, which is why First Nation Group’s Wellness Program is recognizing National Safety Month.

Created by the National Safety Council, the nation’s leading nonprofit safety advocate, this month focuses on saving lives and preventing injuries, both in and out of the workplace. As a company, First Nation Group wants to provide our employees with the tools they need to stay safe in all environments. So, as part of this observance, we will be sharing weekly safety tips on how employees can ensure their safety in the workplace, at home, and in a distribution center. See below to learn more about how you too can make small adjustments to increase safety in your life!

In the Workplace

Each year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports tens of thousands of injuries or work-related health problems that office workers suffer each year. As a company that is centered on a workplace culture that promotes the feeling of family, First Nation Group is constantly working to identify potential safety hazards and correct problems to not only ensure our employees’ safety, but also foster a work environment that provides them comfort and peace of mind.

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Safety in the Workplace 1-pager

At Home

For most, the word “home” brings feelings of safety, warmth, and security. After spending vast amounts of time, money, and effort buying or renting a home, people are often too exhausted to even begin thinking about how to prevent hazards or accidents. The truth is, most mishaps at home can be easily prevented, which is why it’s important to take the necessary and often fairly simple, measures to do so.

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Safety at Home 1-pager

  • Consumer Product Safety Commission – Contains ample information on the dangers of different products that you may have in your residence.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Here, you will find valuable tips on general emergency preparedness.
  • Safe Kids – Home safety is especially important for your little ones. Learn more about how to keep your residence safe for children too!
  • Pool Safely – If you have a pool at home, take a look at this website as it includes pool safety guidelines for families.

In the Distribution Center

A distribution center or warehouse can be a dangerous place if safety protocols are not identified and acknowledged. It is important to understand common warehouse dangers and hazards because they can cause injuries and, in extreme cases, death. First Nation Group recognizes the potential hazards for working in a distribution center, which means we are always working to provide sustainable warehouse operations, health, and safety for all distribution center-based employees.

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Safety in the Warehouse 1-pager

  • Occupational Health and Safety Administration – Your one-stop-shop for several resources pertaining to warehouse safety.
  • SafetyCulture – Learn about the basics of warehouse safety, OSHA warehousing standards, and tips to help ensure health and safety in warehouses.
  • Warehouse and Storage – This book is for managers, supervisors, and those with other health and safety interests in warehouses and storage facilities.

In 2021, we launched the First Nation Group Wellness Program with the goal of empowering our employees to achieve their health goals, keep employees engaged with one another, and promote a healthy workplace culture overall. Over the last two years, our company has worked hard to leverage this program as a vehicle to achieve a healthy workplace by incorporating various virtual health initiatives and activities each month to promote employee wellbeing and taking a holistic approach towards the health of employees. Each month has been tied to a global or national health observance with First Nation Group putting our own unique spin on it.

As we head into the second half of 2022, we’re excited to continue what the First Nation Group Wellness Program was meant to offer – introducing important conversations and topics while continuing to build our healthy, supportive, #TOGETHERSTRONG community!